Online Workshops

Please click on the relevant picture to access more information about our online workshops. For most of the workshops access does not expire while we are still conducting workshops & we offer free coaching for all workshop participants. 

Activate your Horses Core

During this workshop you will learn how to activate your horses core by using a combination of clicker training and social engagement. This is currently the only workshop that expires 12 months from the date you purchase the workshop. Our clicker training DVD is available as an extra for free. Click the link from the picture and it will take you to the workshop and scroll down to see the curriculum.

Confidence & Mastery

This workshop teaches us to socially engage with our horse with movement work such as core work and panther walking to develop confidence and mastery for our horse and his or her human. We base this course on the polyvagal theory and we go into detail as to how this theory helps our horses confidence and mastery (and ours as well). We develop individual maps for our horses in the three autonomic states. As with our core workshop we provide our clicker training DVD free of charge and we provide coaching every step of the way. Click the picture and it will take you to the workshop and scroll down to see the curriculum. This workshop never closes, but after a limit of participants are reached we begin a new one, so as to have most people begin at around the same time.

Constructional Approach Training for Horses (CAT H)

In this workshop we provide ALL our CAT H DVD’s in video form and coach you and your horse remotely to help you and your horse through whatever fear your horse is experiencing. After CAT H is mastered we recommend you move on to the Confidence and Mastery workshop (and a discounted price will be made available for you).